• DQ Christmas Cakes Giveaway

    My daughter loves Dairy Queen, she utterly loves it and it has become one of her favorite stops after taking our frequent afternoon walks. You can just imagine our excitement when we got DQ…

  • On Preschool & Epic Fails

    On Preschool Being a first time mom means being constantly shocked by things your child does or things that you end up doing because of the said little munchkin. Sofie has been going…

  • Sofie’s Angry Bird Birthday Part 2

    After the cake ordeal, next stop was the party. We did’t really plan a big one, we just ordered spaghetti from McDonald’s, blew some balloons and along with the cake, brought the classic hot…

  • Off! Lotion Tea Party

    Last week Sofie and I were invited to attend the Off! Lotion Tea Party, it was held in Lemuria, a cozy restaurant in Q.C. We had a pretty good experience tasting mini hors…

  • Thanks Momcenter!

    I just got my MomCenter gift and I have to say I’m very happy with it. I got some Cycles products that I really used on Sofie. She’s a bit bigger now and we…

  • When Kids and Crayons Meet

    When kids and crayons meet it’s not always a work of art. Writing on walls, table tops and other “illegal” surfaces, can be a bummer as far as the parent cleaning “art” (mess) is concerned.…

  • 45 minutes into Sofie’s minor lunch misdemeanor  . . . Mommy: Anak, earlier my patience was THIS BIG (w/ hand gestures) now it’s THIS SMALL! Can you please finish lunch so we can…