Driving Lesson
You are the road of love and at the end, my home. Rumi I woke up this morning with the sheer determination that I will learn how to drive today. At least, learn…
What’s Cooking: Ham Wrapped Pinoy Embutido
Last minute holiday food gift idea! Embutido is one Holiday dish that my mom never cooked but for some reason we always have it during the holidays. Turns out there’s always a neighbor…
Why Some Mothers Eat Their Young!
Sofie: Why did you change your dress? Me: It doesn’t fit. Sofie: Why? Me: Because I’m round and pregnant Sofie: (monologue) What animal is round, fat and pregnant? Ah, a gorilla! Me:…
For My Little Girls
One day you’ll meet a guy. And ultimately, he’s going to find out. How you chew, how you sip, how you dance, how you smell at every point in the day. The fact…
SCAM ME NOT: Platehead Scam/Spam Email
Thank God for my procrastination in checking my emails. Thank God for distracting me with my pregnancy hormones and for my new found addiction to GMANewsTV, CNN, FOXNews and Bandila. Thank God to…
UPDATED: Bucket List
Hmmm . . .progress. . . progress . . . now seems like a good time as any to update my bucket list before age sinks in and I start forgetting the things…
Prodigal Son
The parable of the prodigal son is a well known story of a parent’s unconditional love for a son who squandered his life away. It goes on that after all the rock star living,…
Random Thought: The Road
Sometimes the most peaceful place is between the soles of your feet, the hard surface of the road and the trees that surround you. You are not judged, you are not asked questions…