Kids & Hangovers
From Instagram: While nursing a hangover from last night’s college reunion:S: “Here mommy, i’m making you more comfortable with purply my blanket and some of my dolls.here’s a towel if u need to…
YesMOM: Saying Yes to my Little Girl
How often have we heard our parents say “NO”? All the while they are saying: “No, you can’t go outside” “No, you can’t come with me” “No, you can’t play with scissors” “No, you can’t…
When Kids and Crayons Meet
When kids and crayons meet it’s not always a work of art. Writing on walls, table tops and other “illegal” surfaces, can be a bummer as far as the parent cleaning “art” (mess) is concerned.…
8 Rules of Toddler Play
Reference: The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems, (New York: Atria Books, 2005), Tracy Hogg and Melinda Blau
My Toddler and Sharing
Riding in Cars Horses with Boys When our toddler does something good like pack away her toys, show Daddy her artwork or “help” Mommy in the kitchen, hubby and I feel so blessed.…
My Toddler’s Hospital Stay
Sofie has always been a healthy girl, she had fever and colds from time to time but nothing that would warrant my toddler’s hospital stay to be longer than a few hours. Last April…
5 Tips to Building Toddler Self-Esteem
Being a parent is like being a potter, you can not just expect the clay to form itself into a piece of art. You have to throw, jigger, jolley and fire up…
Be Quiet! Tell Me What You Want! Right Now!
I love my mom, God rest her soul, but she was one confusing lady. She raised me in the traditional Filipino sense she got from her parents. She grew up in the age…
‘Tsek’ for Exclusive Breastfeeding
Mommy bloggers with ASEC Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial of the Department of Health and Dr. Anthony Calibo, Supervising Officer of Essential Newborn Care, Family Health Office (DOH) and Vicki Pastoriza and her team from…
Of Friends and Turtles
You know how parents always talk about the terrible two’s, like how they are at the end of their ropes with their kid’s tantrums, antics, weird ways? See, when I had Sofie I expected that to happen.…