A Bad Ass Mommy Prayer
Mothers are neurotic. It’s true, from the moment we saw those two little lines, heard the first heartbeat, held that little nugget in our arms, changed that first goddernitawful, stinky diaper and saw…
Belgian Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars with Almonds
This recipe is soooooh easy even a 4 year old can do it. We found this blondie recipe from a Taste of Home and changed it up a bit to make it a little…
Recycled Art Kit with Mini-Me Appliqué
Since classes in Philippines coincide with the rainiest and stormiest months of the year, hubby and I declare our own “no class days” when the rains are especially bad. We feel that its…
Oh My Gawd! You Said What To the Pretty Lady?!
Over the last two years since Sofie began to REALLY TALK, she has always managed to make me laugh with her witty antics. In fact, the things that come out of her mouth…
Beanie Baby
Beanie Baby Good things come when you least expect them and a couple of months ago we got our second big surprise! It has been a while since I last posted something here…
This Job Has the Greatest Perks!
When I decided to quit my career and be a work-at-home mommy, I took a big leap and met a lot of apprehensions both from myself and other people. Some think that staying-at-home…
Sometimes Single Mommyhood!
Before I start my ranting, let me clarify that I am not a single mom. I am merely having a drama-queen moment. This is not a reason for all single moms to stop…
First Boy Interaction
While we were out ordering lunch with a friend, Sofie, my toddler was eyeing two 2 college boys. On the way to our table she stopped and sat on their table, said hi and sang while I…