
Off To School We Go!

When I was a little girl, play schools were non-existent; we did not have toddler schools or day care here in the Philippines. I’m not sure if the old stories were true, but they say one way to test a child for school readiness is to have him/her stand up, raise the right arm over his head and touch his left ear. If the kid can do that then off to school he goes!We have come a long way from the ear touching days, now we have a whole lot of options than we know what to do with.

Trying to decide between sending my 2 and a half year old to school or not, makes deciding which of the 16 NYFD dips should go with my fries (very difficult, mind you!) look easy!

This all started in January with a visit from to her doctor. We got a little worried about her socialization skills when her doctor’s noticed that she was not very responsive and suggested that we have her tested. I know that she was showing genuine concern but really, Sofie’s TWO! It takes her a while to warm up before she gets REALLY chatty. My kid knew her ABC’s and 123’s even before she turned two!
But we knew it wasn’t a question of being smart or not. It gave hubby and I a scare, enough to make me quit my job and be a stay-at-home-mom. It turns out she just needs more exposure to other people and less exposure to Dora the Explorer. A little less of TV and a little more of ME!
She’s doing great now but we still want her to be with other children. We live in the middle of QC, the closest thing to a park here is 45 minutes away, neighborhood kids not.really.the.best option unless I want her to learn curse words she can use to fend off boys!
Today were going to enroll her to music class at Gymboree, Trinoma. Sofie loves music and could use a few new songs to he repertoire.
Now the toughest thing we need to decide on — What.To.Wear????